Samarth Setty - Performing Arts & Model
Samarth Setty - Performing Arts : (Excluisve under Hetal Nagaraj unless mentioned)
Company - Grace And Grooves Group of Companies Under Hetal Joshi Nagaraj.
Bollywood/Tollywood - Elite - Winner of competitions & culture awards with full trainings, by grade & technique level for more than 6 years straight. Standing ovations.
At times, hattrick in one year. Taught independent batches as well.
All categories, Exclusive bollywood desi dances. Group + Solo.
Indian Folk Dances - Elite - Winner of competitions & culture awards w/full trainings of more than 7 regions along w/dance dramas, year by year, technique-straight 6 yrs.
At times, hattrick in one year. Taught independent batches as well.
Exclusive Indian Folk Dances without Bollywood. Group + Solo, All categories.
Standing ovations.
Bharatanatyam Kalakshetra + Sadir - Elite - Winner of competitions & culture awards w/full trainings of entire margam with straight wins of all margam pieces in.
At times, hattrick wins in 1 year straight 5 years. Standing ovations.
Video Glimpse of Jan 2019 Arangetram | 350 ppl audience + pre.recorded LIVE.
Pandanallur Style - 4 Dance learned under hetalnagaraj.
Thalam, Nattavangam w/Kalasri Institute of Classical Dances & Hetal Nagaraj.
Exclusive Margam Bharatanatyam Competitions. Group + Solo. All categories.
Kathak - Professional Intro u/Kalasri Institute of Classical Dances - 12 hours
Group + Solo | + Practice for the win.
Theater/Theatre and Drama : Drama Series by genre and category.
With & Without Dialogues.
Other Skills - voice dubbing, sound mix, remixes, stage design, light design, special sound effects, commercial light switch boards. Standing ovations!
Indian Martial Arts - Elite - In.house shows & submissions for company portfolio.
Intermediate-Advance - Thekkan Kalaripayattu - 7 yrs
Advance combat/Kshatriyas (combat showcases), 4 yrs
2 years - Mayurbhanj chhau | Group + Solo. All categories. Standing Ovations.
Non. Indian Martial Arts - Recreational -
Shukotan Karate – Sensai Ravi and Sensai Suresh. Adv. Green Belt.
3 summer camps of Krava Manga, Addison, Texas - summer teen groups
Fusion Dances - Elite - Winners of fusion dances for straight 6 years back to back.
By Level competitions, min 2 independent styles/dance forms used in choreography.
Launch of G2 Dance Factory because of prior trainings in american performing arts.
Group + Solo. All categories.
Hiphop - Elite Urban and Mixed/Both - City Level Hiphop Teams - Group + Solo.
2 years Creative Movements - Ballet Academy of Texas - Beginner to Intermediate
1 year hiphop jazz combo class - Coppell Dance Center – Intermediate
3 years Mirchi Dance Academy (this includes 2 years of commercial hiphop),
Taught independent batches as well. All categories.
Gymnastics - Age 4 to Age 7.
3 Holiday Camps - Texas Gymnastics,
1 camp at YMCA Coppell.
Baby Gymboree - Cheer and Tumble - 2 years to 3 years - Recreational
Montessori Dance Drama – Age 3 to 6 – 4 shows. Dance + Drama.
School Dance Drama – Age 10 – 2 shows. Dance + Drama.
Dance Productions(+Commercial) - 39 Dance Productions (2023).
29 - Click here - By Genre & Category
+ all of above - 4 shows (tap/jazz/ballet/shows) - By Genre & Category.
Dance + Drama - 4 shows.
Musical School Dance Drama - 2
Sponsorships + Fundraisers - 6. Click here.
Model Gigs - Non. Ramp Gigs.
Sports Gigs - for an e-commerce online store.
Costume store and boutique bridal wear
Brand, Product and Service Launches in DFW, Texas
Dance Commercial Gigs - In all of above, one of the highest solo delivery for Grace And Grooves performing arts in commercial gigs as solo artists for straight 1 hour of performances + Group Gigs.
Drama and Theatre Gigs - An open invite to several musicals and commercial drama/acting gigs with full routine of dance as paid gig – Texas, California, New York.
Multi-Sport Camp - Introduction to all the sports - 3 summers. Pre.teen + Teen.
Photo/Videography - Elite - via School + The Grace Effects by Hetal Nagaraj.
Sports - Swimming (2 times national qualifier), Biking, Chess (Regionals/via school), Tennis.
Other Extra Curricular / Skills - Snorkeling, Painting, Mehdi, Roller Skating, Drawing, Hiking, Boulder Climbing & Mountaineering, Flute School Champ, Winner of Spelling Bees - Math Competitions - Science Competitions.
For more information - www.thesettys.com | 972 979 2559