All custom prices by hour, type of service & location. In-person at my locations in Dallas Fortworth Texas, USA
Bulk pricing is available for private groups & for individuals in package of 5, 10, 15, 25, 50, 75 or 100 hrs.
Examples of packages & one on one sessions in various performing arts activities.
All levels, age groups welcome! For other fields, updates are in process.
I am settled in Dallas Fortworth, Texas, USA. 19 years.
How to book -
1. Select the services that you may be interested and copy the label. Email to mail2hets@gmail.com with subject of services interested.
Subject - private bollywood couple class. and send the email with your phone number & full name.
I strongly recommend you read the details/specs mentioned below the label by clicking on "Read More".
2. You will receive a reply from me within 12 hours in most cases and we will schedule a call for your requirements.
Alternately, feel free to pm me status about email - 972 979 2559. I do gigs so it is very busy sometimes.
3. After which payments via zelle or direct paypal link is send via invoice and during that time, schedule is planned as per your convinience.
4. Pls note that these are not regular group/batches of grace and grooves or my IT training programs that are yearly program or those programs can be booked at www.graceandgrooves.com.
These are private packages, workshops, package clients who clear their graduation or classes by their pace and book me seperately other than my group batches that are released by companies.
These individuals are exclusively under me with their private package through my programs and they all participate as well in all activities of my companies.
5. All the couples are required to submit both the names to book a package for easy recognition of invoices.
6. For all multiple services, pls mention "multiple" in subject in the email.
7. I reserve right to refuse right away to anybody which will be prior to the payment.
8. The hours mentioned is the class length per visit or is because of my most favorable bookings at a visit.
Since it is custom, you can increase the class length as per your capacity.
9. No Trial Classes for these packages. Drop in charges applicable. Open houses/trial classes for regular yearly group classes are held at www.graceandgrooves.com. On this package classes, trial classes are held only for private groups for 10 and more.
SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS ARE NOW AVAILABLE AS OF SEPT 30, 2024 : Here's how to book that -
Just call the number 972 979 2559 with a proper intro and reason to meet or sms.
It could be personal as well as i do specialize in personal development and personal or life wellness.
I usually meet ppl at Legacy, Plano-Texas or for lunch somewhere halfway and if i have multiple appointments for projects then usually i book a temp office for group meetings. Depends on city.
My pers office will be open not before June 2025 because of my own availability.
On-Site visits are NOW available for same day consults. Must call a day before to schedule the onsite consult or by morning 10am. Usually every Wednesday, i finalize my appointments for whole week and then i keep some loose appointments for same day bookings.
Cancellation charges applicable for all bookings as applicable
Hetal's Services & Specs
1 hr
custom2 hr
custom1 hr
Price is custom1 hr
custom price1 hr
custom pricing1 hr
pricing is custom3 hr
custom & bulk1 hr
custom pricing1 hr
custom price- Read More
Artist Management, Submissions, Placements & Audition Trainings for various Industry requirements.
1 hr
custom by month 1 hr
custom pricing1 hr
graceandgrooves.com1 hr
volunteer hours1 hr
Custom pricing1 hr
custom pricing1 hr
Free Consultation1 hr
custom pricing- Read More
Dispute Resolution, Pre.litigation Services, Documentation, Education, Commerical, Business Services
1 hr
custom but fixed 1 hr
Starts at 500$1 hr
custom price- 60 US dollars
- custom packages
1 hr
custom price30 min
custom price.45 min
custom pricing45 min
custom pricing1 hr
custom1 hr