Trainings, Certifications, Specialities & Courses in Beauty & Salon Industry -
1. Trupti Beauty Parlour and Classes.
Herbal & Natural - Women Only
Herbal Preparation & Applications, Herbal Base & Compound Preparation & Applications, Beauty & Wellness.
2 Year Course | Privately Owned 35+ Years as of 2024.
Location - Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Affiliates in Wholesale Beauty Products/Services & Photography/Videography Shoot Business.
Independent clients and Party/Marriage Gigs for shoots.
2. Shahnaz Husain Herbal Salon & International Beauty Academy - Men & Women.
2 Year Diploma Course | Franchise Owned | About Shahnaz Husain
Herbal Infusions, Therapeutic Beauty Treatments, Recovery(Post Surgery Treatments) & Wellness Beauty.
Location - Vastrapur & Vijay Char Rasta, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India .
Affiliates professionals in Paris, London Beauty Solutions.
Independent clients, partly partnered projects for commercial industry.
3. Clinical Courses - Men & Women.
1.5 Year Reg Course | Govt Affiliated Polytecnic Course | Speciality - Asian Skin Care.
Location - Govt Polytechnic, University Area/Ambawadi, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
Clinical, Custom Cosmetics as per request of medication, Compound Cosmestics & Treatments, Skin Traum/Surgery/Injury & Recovery Treatments.
Progressive Foundational courses to Bio-Med, Clinical Cosmetology, Med Spa Industry, Clinical Beauty Industry.
Independent clients, partly partnered projects for commercial shoots and industry.