Founded, Reg in 2012 and grew Grace and Grooves from 1 to 50+ products/services, managing 424 events with 99% participation.
Hetal - Estd.1999, launched officially in 1994 as dance drama artist.
Part-Time until 2019. Educational, Commercial, Insititutional, Professional - 38 Brands - International, in person.
2022 - All internship programs are paused until further notice or are for inhouse students only.
August 2024 switched back to part time.
2022 - All internship programs are paused until further notice or are for inhouse students only.
We do not sell our content or curriculam to anybody. Training is absolutely required.
None of 38 brands are available for sale and not willing to buy any "NEW" brands until further notice.
For all queries, Please contact Jinal Shah (info@graceandgrooves.com)
My Performing Arts Specialities:
Broadway - Contemporary
Music Compositions/Re-Compositions
Carnatic, Cinematic Mixes, Sound
Stage Set | Props | Backstage Sets - Coming Soon!
Kshatriya - Martial Arts
(War | Martial | Combat | Defense)
Dance Mainstream Education : Masters in Fine Arts.
University : Tamil University-Chennai, India.
Education Level : Masters. Check - Dance Linkedin.
Education Type : Sponsored Education.
Specialization : Bharatanatyam, Theaters/Theatres of India, Dramas, Dance Dramas & Theory of Dance
College : TDES - TiruchirappalI Diocesan Educational Society, Trichy & Tamil University.
Branch : Don Bosco School Of Arts & Technology-Kilpauk-Chennai, India.
Program Info : 2 Years Masters Program. Recent...
Visiting Residency Program : Must come for 25-30 full days at-least 1 of the year (9am to 8pm class - attendance, theory, full costume concert in Bharatanatyam and Musicals, practical dance exams margam and non-margam, nattuvangam, thalam, thesis & research to one of their locations in India.)
More Details - Here. Awaiting Certificates - process stalled/slowed down due to covid.
My Bollywood Journey/Teaching by Curriculum from 2015.
Teaching/Performance Dances from 2013 for private groups, solo(s).
Click Here.
And the journey of my performances and teaching in all my genres continue.
Big Thanks to my teachers for all the knowledge.
Timeline of my Bharatanatyam, Indian Folk Dances & Rabindra Nruthya Dance Series as well as Dance Dramas is posted below....Started at Age 4.....
Reason for not joining big screen / Television / Movies -
The influence of educational/institutional/organizational performing arts with established infrastructure and returns of investment was consistent rather than movies or television because during those years in the industry.
In my high school years, I struggled with time management and family needs. Life was very early to me. That made me realize that in future, I want to have a life that I can control with a schedule in multiple fields. I was very good at studies and education is compulsory in my family and yes, we are very successful in our educational fields as well and so I never felt the need for any auditions.
Also, other reason is that back then, in movies, the dances and performing arts were way too basic and women were not treated well as the roles were focused to men.
By 19, i was independent with business partnerships in 3 fields and so that was not really ok to me try for. I questioned myself, why will I go for auditions when I have capacity and trainings to do my own.
Technically, I am from industry with half of family in it (Star Plus and Doordarshan Network) - https://www.hetaln.com/hetalsawards
My performing arts field dominates because I started very early at the age of 13 in this field in a dance drama.
So by the time I started my formal education after 12th grade, I was established in this field with institutional gigs and my first batch graduated under me at 19. It was always part time until 2019.
Some 3rd Party Time Line App is having problem. Waiting to hear from them about what is going on!
Meanwhile here all the pictures with details are posted by year + major year of productions - Enjoy : Click Here.
More will be posted very soon!